Sunday, 1 July 2012

Arts Council announces the 2012 Winner of the Archibald Knox Scholarship For Art and Design

Archibald Knox scholarship @

The Arts Council is pleased to announce the winner of the new Archibald Knox Scholarship for Art and Design for art is Sam Hurt, formally of QEII High School. Sam was presented with the award by Hon Clare Christian, President of Tynwald with Laurence Skelly MHK, Chairman of the Arts Council and Liam O’Neill Chairman of the Archibald Knox Society in attendance. Sam has been studying fine art at the IOM College and was short listed with four of his fellow students for the prize. He will now go on to study Fine Art at the University of Northumbria.
The scholarship is new for 2012 and has been awarded by the Archibald Knox Society with funding from the Isle of Man Arts Council. The scholarship is a travel bursary awarded to enable a student of outstanding talent to further their studies off island and allows for four years of study. Only students studying art and design at the IOM College can apply and a short list was selected by the staff at the college.
All the students were outstanding and working in new and challenging ways. Sam Hurt won with an interactive auditory installation, his very clear thought processes and innovative approaches to concept and technique. Others students of high merit shortlisted for the award were Annie Richardson, Izaak Flanders, Ruby-May Laidlaw and Tom Maier.

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The judging panel was chaired by internationally renowned Manx artist Michael Sandle RA. He was joined by Carol Jones a lecturer in Fine Art at Nottingham University who is originally from the island and Calum Harvey, a textile artist and successful previous student of the IOM College who has recently been working with fashion house Burberry before moving back to the island. All of the judges were educated at art schools in the Isle of Man.
Michael Sandle RA said ‘It has been a very great privilege for me to chair the panel of judges which included the esteemed Carol Jones and Calum Harvey. We had an extraordinarily difficult time in reaching our final decision. Having taught in several colleges and universities in Britain, Canada and Germany there is no doubt in my mind that the Isle of Man College is equal to all of them and in some aspects superior. Helen Fox and her staff are to be congratulated for creating such an outstanding centre of excellence and long may it continue to flourish.’
Laurence Skelly MHK, Chairman of the Arts Council said ‘The Arts Council is very proud to support our young, local artists and in working with the Archibald Knox Society can provide real help with their development. I’d like to thank Liam O’Neill Chairman of the Archibald Knox Society for his commitment and passionate advocacy of Archibald Knox’s legacy and his hard work in making this scholarship happen. My thanks also goes to Michael Sandle, Carol Jones and Calum Harvey and the staff at the IOM College who have all contributed to making this award such a special event.’

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